Monday, September 30, 2019

What Care Services Are Available to People with Long-Term Health?

What care services are available to people with long-term health conditions and why is it important that these services should take into account individuals sensitivities and circumstances? â€Å"According to Talcott Parsons being sick is a role (a deviant one) which is a temporary role that all people (regardless of their status or position) enter at some stage of their life. Its main function is to control illness, and to reduce its disruptive effects on the social system by ensuring that sick people are returned to health as speedily as possible† (Parsons 1951).However if you are seen as enjoying playing the sick role, people might label you as a malingerer. â€Å"A malingerer is someone who shirks their duties by pretending to be ill† (Block 1 who cares, p-67), this also has its problems as you start to feel isolated, depressed and loss of self-esteem from hiding daily activities from people. Therefore, before you even contemplate on seeing a doctor you will have al ready taken on the sick role. The NHS is split into two, Primary and Secondary health services they both look after people who suffer from long-term illnesses i. . diabetes, asthma and coronary heart disease. It is estimated that there are around 15 million people in England that have a long-term illness (DH 2006). ‘Your local doctors’ surgery or GP practice provides a wide range of family health services’ (NHS Choices, 2007). I myself will often refer to a study of a man named Anwar Malik that I have been studying, who himself has used most of the health services. Anwar Malik is a 54 year old green grocer and lives with his wife Hansa and their youngest son Iqbal.Anwar originally was born in Pakistan and came to live in the UK when he was a young man. Anwar’s first language is Punjabi and Urdu, but can speak English as Hansar and Anwar speak it in their shop. Anwar had been feeling unwell for a while, lethargic, tired and generally thirsty. Anwar’s wife noticed that he had become less active and frequenting the toilet more often. Hansa his wife became concerned for her husband’s health and advised him to visit his doctor. Anwar’s G. P referred him to hospital for further tests where it was discovered he in fact was diagnosed with diabetes.Primary care services are normally the first point of contact if you have a health related issue, an appointment with your GP (general practitioner), dentist, nurse or optometrist. It is estimated that around 90% use this service and most can be accessed in the doctor’s surgery, although Anwar could have gone to his local walk in center or even telephoned NHS direct. If your illness requires further tests your G. P will refer you to a secondary health care provider, this is what happened to Anwar Malik. Secondary care is defined as a service provided by medical specialists who generally do not have first contact with patients.Secondary care is usually delivered in hospit als and patients have usually been referred to secondary care by their primary care provider (usually their GP) (Dr Foster 2001). What can people expect to find in a hospital setting? Consultants, nurses, health care assistants and domestics are just a few to name. There are different departments that split the hospital, intensive care; different medical wards i. e. Neurology, surgical, and also not forgetting the Accident and Emergency department. Communication between primary and secondary care breaks down quite easily, especially if you are receiving long term care.If you are being seen as an outpatient for long periods, the GP will need to be informed of their treatment and progress, as this could have an impact on the GP’s own treatment for the patient. Social care supports people for whatever reason that is unable to function without support or supervision in their own homes. Some families struggle to fund this kind of service as it is not always free and requires servi ce users to use their own money in order to obtain the service. Home care workers work to a care plan which determines what they do for each service user.However there needs to be clear boundaries between the home care worker and the service user in being friendly and being a friend, otherwise this could lead to considerable emotional demands on the home care worker. There are a combination of factors why some are reluctant to use this service, as it requires ‘strangers’ going into the service users own home and carrying out personal care. Service users can also get very frustrated with home care as there are frequent changes in staff and some are even poorly trained.The service can be unreliable due to staff sickness or not receiving a call due to adverse conditions, leaving the service user stranded. However there are a majority of service users that enjoy home care as it is delivered in the comfort of their own homes, takes pressure off families and can even postpone or stop the need to go in hospital or care homes. Everybody’s illness differs from person to person so it is always important to take into account individuals sensitivities and circumstances, like Anwar were his taken into account?It is not just the individual with the illness that needs to be thought about, the family is often affected to. As we are aware Anwar originated from Pakistan and maybe he did not fully understanding English properly, also Hansa cannot read English very well and this proved difficult when trying to plan and follow meals for Anwar from a leaflet given to her by the nurse. The menu showed typical ‘English’ food; had anyone taken into account that Asians eat western food and their eating patterns differ from our own culture, this can lead to cultural barriers.Should the hospital have translated the diet sheet into the appropriate language that Anwar and Hansa are familiar with? What about communication and visual aids? Should the hospital have provided a translator, so that both Anwar and Hansa fully understand the effects of diabetes? The hospital also could have shown Anwar and Hansa photos of a gangrenous foot or even an amputee, this could have made Anwar think twice about his own health (this could be me). Two per cent of the UK suffers with diabetes, South Asian residents of the UK are 4 times likely to be affected by diabetes than the rest of the population (Block 1, who cares p-85).What about financial worries? Having to follow a healthy eating plan can cause financial burden on the whole family. â€Å"Families struggle to eat healthily amid rising food bills and shrinking budgets† (Guardian 2012), could this be another obstacle in the way of Anwar’s treatment. Can they afford to change the whole family’s diet, or have they enough money for extra food just for Anwar? Should the hospital be taking this into account for the sake of people’s health? However it is also important to th ink about a person’s psychological needs, do they understand what is being asked of them, are they fully aware of the condition that they have.Living with a chronic illness is a demanding job and can often lead to bouts of depression; many people are so overwhelmed by complications that may arise with their health and may experience a number of other emotions apart from depression, anger is also common as to why this is happening to them, mood swings, frustration and fear of the unknown. If such emotions do arise it is important for the health care professionals to support them and encourage them to communicate their concerns straight away, otherwise this can have a long term effect on how they and their families manage their illness, thus helping to improve a erson’s health for the see able future. Over the last century health care has been totally transformed by biomedical science to understand what causes illness and diseases, and to find a cure. However biomedical science is not enough to encourage people to administer their own care. To provide effective health care involves educating, informing, engaging and supporting people and their families, so that they can manage their own treatment. This means you would have to look at things from the service user perspective, asking them how they feel and helping them make sense of their illness.Any treatment that has to be given must take into account peoples cultural, social circumstances and lifestyles. Word Count-1420 Good practice 1) Liz appears to be ensuring Clarice gets the level of support she wants, to do the things she wants, in the way she wants. Liz doesn’t appear to impose an agenda of her own or one defined by Somebody Cares. I think this is supporting Clarice s rights to appropriate services. 2) When Clarice is in conversation with Liz, not only does Liz listen but lets her lead the conversation.Liz puts no time pressure on Clarice and lets her do what she can for herself and only helps when asked by Clarice. Liz is supporting Clarice in maximising her potential to being independent. 3) Clarice opens the door to Liz; they then have a little chat before any tasks are done. Not at any point does Liz talk about another client and lets Clarice lead the way to the bathroom. I think Liz is maximising Clarice’s potential by letting her be as independent as possible and by not divulging confidential information onto Clarice about another client. Bad practice ) Marjorie does not engage Iris in two-way conversation at any point. She talks over her all the time. Consequently, Iris has no chance to give voice to her views or wishes. She doesn’t get a chance to make her point even in her own room. This is not supporting Iris to have a voice or be heard. 2) Iris’s room is treated like a public place, where Marjorie comes and goes as she pleases. Iris is given no dignity in her own room shouting â€Å"do you want the lavvie? † Marjorie moans about another person to Iris, leaving Iris wondering â€Å"does she speak about me to other people†.I think Marjorie has no concept of people’s rights to privacy and confidentiality. 3) Iris is capable of having a bath; she probably would find it a pleasure but unfortunately Marjorie runs it for her. This is not taking into account Iris’s capabilities’ or wishes and definitely not maximising Iris’s potential to run it herself. Word count-346 My tutor’s feedback has helped me to develop my writing, thinking skills and to actually believe in myself. The only negative I had was no reference list, but I did send one (maybe didn’t receive it).The most difficult task I’ve found while doing TMA02 was not to ramble on and miss the point. References The Open University (second edition2010), block 1 who cares, Malta, Gutenberg Press Limited (p-67) & (p-85) Parson, T, (1951) the Social System, Glencoe IL, the Free Press. Department of He alth (DH) (2006) Our Health Our Care, our Say: A New Direction for Community Services, Norwich, The Stationary Office; also available online at www. dh. gov. uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_4127453 (Accessed 26 February 2008).NHS Choices (2007) About NHS Services: NHS GPs/Doctors [online], www. nhs. uk/AboutNHSservices/doctors/pages/DoctorsSummary. aspx (Accessed 17 December 2007 www. guardian. co. uk/society/2012/nov/18/families-rising-food-prices-budgets (Accessed 10 November 2012). www. uwic. ac. uk/shss/dom/newweb/Sick_role/Introduction. htm (Accessed 10 November 2012). www. drfosterhealth. co. uk/medical-dictionary/terminology/secondary-care. aspx (Accessed 12 November 2012). www. medicalprotection. org/uk/booklets/common-problems-hospital/communication-between-specialties (Accessed 17 November 2012).

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Food Inc. Documentary Essay

Food Inc. is a documentary directed by Robert Kenner targeted towards the general public about the ugly truths behind the food industries. The documentary outlines the procedures taken to process the food that surrounds us, with the aim to expose and change the basis, footprints, and corruption behind this process. Kenner successfully does this through several techniques and strategies used to persuade and motivate others to make a difference. Throughout the documentary Kenner covers the basis of how these products are manufactured through many techniques. One of the main techniques used in this piece is correspondence about how the products are truly made. Most do not think to question where it is that the food they eat comes from and Kenner shows just that with statistics, footage, and interviews. He shows the unethical methods used by food industries in order to maximize profit. Methods such as feeding animals food which makes them obese, at a significantly fast and unnatural rate , to the point that they cannot stand on their own and their organs are beings crushed. Kenner gains the viewer’s sympathy by showing footage of these animals in pain, which in turn pushes them towards his point of view on the subject. Another technique used by Kenner is the illumination of truth of how these food industries have corrupted the government as well as the farmers to their advantage. He does this by showing his viewers government officials who side with the food industries and in fact used to be a part of them. This documentary also shows the workers and farmers, most of which are afraid to talk the crew in fear of losing everything, who admit they have very little control over their farms and the business. One of the farmers even goes as far to say that â€Å"it is degrading; it’s like being a slave to the company†. The narrator also states how once these jobs were seen as the best jobs in the country and now they are struggling to get by. He uses real life experiences and facts to open the eyes of his viewers and is successful in doing so. Once again correspondence plays a big role in this documentary to show the footprints left behind by these companies. Kenner shows footage of people speaking out, who have lost their loved ones due to illnesses they have gained from the infected product, which may have been avoided if not for the unethical procedures used to manufacture it. This immediately gains the viewer’s sympathies towards the families, as well as become more aware of  the danger which these companies present. He also shows statistics of the dangers in genetically modified organisms and how they surround us making us more aware of what it is we are eating. One of the main aspects to the documentary that makes it so successful is that Keener gives alternatives. Throughout the documentary the viewers are asking themselves what can they do and he answers this. He shows the benefits to organic foods and the prosperity in farms independent from the big corporations. All in all, Kenner’s techniques, to spread awareness of what one consumes as well as promoting beneficiary alternatives, is successful in leaving his aud ience wanting to make a change. Work Cited Food Inc.. Dir. Robert Kenner. Magnolia Home Entertainment, 2009.Film.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Supporting Children who are Twice Exceptional and Beyond Assignment

Supporting Children who are Twice Exceptional and Beyond - Assignment Example They are called as such because of their special intellectual capacity and because of their physical condition that requires special attention (Beckley, 2012). Little did we know that 2e children also bear the burden of certain disabilities that entail for them to be misunderstood? Common disabilities found in 2e children are dyslexia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, tourette syndrome, Attention Deficit Disorders among others. They often have the difficulty to study in a traditional learning environment. Because of this, 2e children are often perceived as lazy, distracted and lacks interest with disruptive behaviour (Beckley, 2012). Because of these perceptions, parents and child carers tends to use a different approach to discipline does not fit the 2e children. They tend to apply the kind of discipline that they use to non-2e children not realizing that 2e children have special needs. Although my understanding on 2e is not absolute, I believe that it helped me broaden my mind and further my understanding on child psychology. Generally, children are the most vulnerable section in our society (if not, the world) what more with the 2e children who have certain limitations that tests our patience? My initial understanding on 2e children fortified my belief that we should take extra care precaution when dealing with them. To be more careful with what we say, what we show them and how we guide them because that’s who they become. 2e children show an array of traits, behaviour and most of them are gifted children. However, they possess a quality that is the discrepancy of their mental age is different from their biological or physical age. Comorbid situation and children who are â€Å"twice exceptional† are distinct but not separate. Their conditions might have differences but their commonality is that they need special attention and

Friday, September 27, 2019

Microelectronics Writing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Microelectronics Writing - Assignment Example Its main purpose, in fact, does not differ much from the old cameras that actually use films instead of digital file storage media. The said media can either be a digital memory card or an internal storage that is built-in to the camera. Just like the old cameras, it is meant for capturing moments in pictures. One major innovation that is made possible with the use of microelectronics though, is that a digital camera could also take videos. The old analog ones have a functionality that is limited in taking only still pictures. The first digital camera model that was produced and sold in the market was the Dycam Model 1. It was sold only for a very short period, from 1990 until 1991. (Raskin) In order to retrieve the pictures taken and to print these in black and white, this camera had to be connected to a computer. This was soon followed by a long line of digital camera models from Kodak and Nikon. With the introduction of JPEG and MPEG formats for still pictures and videos respectiv ely, further developments in the digital camera were made. Nowadays, many digital cameras have more powerful lenses and better picture resolutions. More importantly, these have become much easier to operate. As the features and capabilities began to improve, these devices have also become more in demand. Only very few photographers have, in fact, continued to rely on the analog cameras. When a digital camera takes a picture, light is allowed to strike â€Å"a digital sensor array instead of a piece of film† in the case of an analog one. (Digital Darrel) This digital sensor is actually made of pixels, which are arrays of tiny sensor points. The image taken are then stored as millions of dots of lights or megapixels. The resolution of the picture or its sharpness depends on the amount of megapixels that the digital camera is capable of. The bigger the megapixels, the better the quality of the pictures the camera can produce. This goes the same for the videos made through the di gital camera. The images or videos are then recorded in the storage medium. This may be built-in memory chip of the camera or in an external device such as an SD card or an MMC. If the photographer wants to download the pictures to the computer or to have these printed, he may have to use a cable, which usually comes along with the camera when purchased. However, the latest digital camera models already have Bluetooth capabilities. With Bluetooth, the downloading and printing can be done even without the use of cables as long as the printer or the computer is also Bluetooth-enabled. The reason why many photographers find the digital camera a great choice for a gadget is that everything is automatic. A photographer can take more pictures in less time with a digital camera because he does not have to wait for one or a couple of seconds for any film to be ready. Aside from this, the latest models of this device actually have features that would make the photographer take better angles. In fact, these would also immediately adjust the distance without any prompting through its automated zooming system. Another important characteristic is that the digital images can be downloaded to a computer and can be subjected to editing with the use of the photo-editing software such as Photoshop and Corel. As a video recorder, a digital camera is definitely lighter and handier. However, it may have some limitations in taking videos when compared to the digital video

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Housing Prices in Australia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Housing Prices in Australia - Research Paper Example The headline says: "Government policies, charges 'stifling' housing growth." The report says that "the Property Council of Australia is warning of a looming housing shortfall as prices and taxes increase." The surge in median house prices in the last seven years has shut many people out of the market, ABC News quoted the Council as saying. The report however is on Western Australia and not on the whole of Australia, but still there has to be concern to avoid a possible downturn. From a stable property market, there is a trend of slowing down due to circumstances or causes that are the primary focus of this study. However, the situation may not be serious. The causes will be enumerated in the literature review. Property market in Australia is a major source of wealth creation for investors, contributing to the socio-economic well being of all Australians. The Real Estate Institute of Australia states that in the financial year 2005/2006, property sales totaled $186.1 billion. The Institute further said that 67% of Australians owned their houses and 28% rented on the private market. Property affects everybody in Australia. Those who are renting their houses and those who own their houses are a subject of surveys by the prominent institutions in Australia and even from outside Australia. Over the pa The Real Estate Institute of Australia follows and conducts studies and trends in the real estate business in Australia. It is the national professional association for the real estate industry. Over the past years, right after the 1991-1992 economic recession, there has been a stable residential property market in Australia. But there is a growing defect that the Property Council of Australia has warned in its latest press release. This pertains to the higher taxes imposed by the government. 3.0 Purpose and Objectives This study will examine the underlying growth on the property market of Australia and the impact of the higher taxes. Surveys conducted by prestigious organizations like Standard and Poor's and Real Estate Institute of Australia and other similar organizations that have stakes in the property market have revealed a steady growth. This was recorded over the past 35 years by Standard & Poor's and the years preceding the 1991-1992 economic crisis. We will also study the present policies of government over real estate and their imposition of charges and taxes, whether these taxes or fees are bearable by the general public. The people who are at stake here are those who own or rent their houses. Following are the questions to be answered in the study: 1. Is the stable growth registered by the property

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Poem explanation for Rumi Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Poem explanation for Rumi - Essay Example The poem’s form is very loose, rhyme free, almost like a flow of free thought from the heart, a confession of a soul not confused any more, but illuminated and free. Its haunting aura of deep simplicity almost borders on atheism: â€Å"Not Christian or Jew or Muslim, not Hindu, Buddhist, sufi, or zen. Not any religion†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Man is the bedrock of all religious and cultural systems, but he is always taught what to believe in and what to feel, while in fact, he should believe in what he feels. For Rumi, religion is a highly personal experience, not necessarily limited to logical arguments or perceptions of the senses, and in this particular poem, he disregards the importance of outward religious observance. Faith and love, just like breath, are invisible, yet inextricably present, and he truly believes that people of all religions and backgrounds can live together in ecumenical peace and harmony. His words come from the heart and ache to explain the often perplexing worl d of personal, spiritual growth, and are aimed at everyone, every single human being on earth. He continues to list contrasting worlds of â€Å"the East or the West†¦ the ocean or†¦ the ground, not natural or ethereal† pushing his existence away from all those cultural and natural systems. He is neither, yet he is all of them.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Critically differentiate between the psychodynamic and cognitive Essay

Critically differentiate between the psychodynamic and cognitive behavioural therapy theories and critically evaluate their role in clinical hypnosis - Essay Example mer (mesmerism), and opined that neurypnosis is a condition where the central nervous system of an individual enters a stage of paralysis during an almost ‘sleep-like’ condition, which is a form of bodily relaxation brought on by abstraction (concentration of the mind) (Braid, 1843). Since its origin, the term has been defined and redefined many times, and various theories at later stages suggest that hypnosis is a state of control over one’s mind, while some suggest that it is a symptomizing hysteria. The current popular and a more realistic form of deï ¬ nition however identiï ¬ es hypnosis as a systematic measure used for therapeutic purposes (James, 2010). Clinical hypnosis, as a medical subject, even though had existed for quite some years, always remained on the fringes with not much importance associated with its actual application on patients. However, the subject is now gaining a great deal of attention owing to technological innovations in the field of CAT and fMRI scanning. Modern day researchers are considering hypnosis as being a viable, cost-effective and time saving form of therapeutic intervention, without any probable side-eï ¬â‚¬ects. Contrary to the older theories that suggest hypnosis as a state where the human mind remains unconsciousness (akin to sleeping), recent researches propose that individual under hypnosis remain completely awake, with concentrated and focussed attention, however with a complementary fall in the level of tangential and exoteric awareness (Spiegel and Spiegel, 1978). The subjects under hypnosis tend to show elevated levels of ripostes to the suggestions as provided by the hypnotiser (Lyda, 200 5). Traditionally hypnosis has had always been delineated as changed state of human consciousness, (trance like), where besides heightened responses to suggestions, hidden memories of the subject can also be worked upon, by the hypnotiser (Hilgard, 1986). In clinical hypnotic therapy, the exposition for its application is that

Monday, September 23, 2019

Official Development Assistance and Underdevelopment Research Paper

Official Development Assistance and Underdevelopment - Research Paper Example First, we begin by laying down the chosen theoretical framework. Frank’s main thesis is that contemporary underdevelopment is in large part the historical product of pas and continuing economic and other relations between the satellite underdeveloped and the now developed metropolitan countries. These relations are an essential part of the structure and development of the capitalist system. Underdevelopment was and still is generated by the development of capitalism. Frank talked a great deal about the metropolis-satellite relationship. He noted that this relationship is not limited to the imperial or international level, but also penetrates and structures the economic, political, and social life of (LA) colonies and countries. Thus, a whole chain of constellations of metropoles and satellites is created. Each of these satellites serves as an instrument to suck capital or economic surplus out of its own satellites, and channel a portion of the said surplus to the world metropo les (i.e. Europe and US). This notion was further developed by Wallerstein who proposed the idea of â€Å"unequal exchange† between the strong states and the weak ones and a view of capitalism that â€Å"involves not only appropriation of the surplus value by an owner from a labourer, but an appropriation of surplus of the whole world-economy by core areas.† by core areas.† (p. 401). ... Public financing transactions are moving away from multilaterals, which had been found quite inept in resolving the world’s problems. The option which provides government less than market price loans (in terms of interest rates) is through bilateral arrangements. Commonly facilitated through state-to-state negotiations, bilateral lending’s advantage lies with the fact that it is easier to trace, clarify, and assert the advantages and interests of both donor and beneficiary states – making easier to resolve potential opposition. China has been the trumpeting its achievements in trading with Africa. In a document entitled, â€Å"China-Africa Economic Trade Cooperation† it was stated: China-Africa bilateral trade volume was only US$12.14 million in 1950, it rose to US$100 million in 1960, and exceeded US$1 billion in 1980. After reaching the US$10 billion mark in 2000, China-Africa trade has maintained a momentum of rapid growth ever since. In 2008, China-Afr ica bilateral trade volume exceeded US$100 billion, of which US$50.8 billion is  China's exports to Africa and US$56 billion is imports from Africa. In the past, loans were used to help developing countries, particularly those in a post-conflict setting. Killick (1998: 4) states that: There has also been a powerful move to link aid with the promotion of â€Å"good governance† (accountability, transparency, the rule of law, the prevention of corruption, etc.) the observance of human rights and the promotion of multi-party democracy. There has been a growing use of conditionality in these areas, particularly by bilateral donors but also by the World Bank. But when it became clear that it was possible to expand the business interest of the donor country

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Richman Investments Essay Example for Free

Richman Investments Essay Overview To stop malware problems from occurring at Richman Investments Protecting Richman investments employees, partners and company from illegal or damaging actions by individuals either knowingly or unknowingly Internet /intranet/ extranet related systems including but not limited to computer equipment, software, operating systems, storage media, network accounts providing electronic mail, www browsing, and FTP, are the property of Richman investments. These systems are to be used for business purposes in serving the interests of the company and of our clients and customers in the course of normal operations Purpose The purpose of this policy is to mitigate the improper use of company computer asset these rules are in place to protect the employee and Richman investments. Inappropriate use exposes Richman investments to risks including virus attacks, compromise of network systems and services, and legal issues. Scope I would like to implement a new AUP policy to stop these problems from occurring they need to design an AUP to let user know what they can or can’t do on the system. And use the IT department to restrict access to removable devices. Policy 1.While Richman investments network administration desires to provide a reasonable level of privacy, users should be aware that the data they create on the corporate systems remains the property of Richman investments. Because of the need to protect Richman investments network, management cannot guarantee the confidentiality of information stored on any network device belonging to Richman investments. 2.Employees are responsible for creating guidelines concerning personal use of Internet/Intranet/Extranet systems. In the absence of such policies, employees should be guided by departmental policies on personal use and if there is any uncertainty, employees should consult their supervisor or manager. 3.For security and network maintenance purposes, authorized individuals within Richman investments may monitor equipment systems and network traffic at any time. 4.Richman investments reserve the right to audit networks and systems on a  periodic basis to ensure compliance with this poli cy. Security and Proprietary Information 1.The user interface for information contained on internet/intranet/Extranet related systems should be classified as either confidential or not confidential, as defined by corporate confidentiality guidelines details of which can be found in the HR policies. Examples of confidential information include but are not limited to company private, corporate strategies, competitor sensitive, trade secrets specifications, customer lists, and research data. Employees should take all necessary steps to prevent unauthorized access to this information. 2.Keep passwords secure and do not share accounts. Authorized users are responsible for the security of their passwords and accounts. System level passwords should be changed quarterly; user level passwords should be changed every six months. 3.All PCs, laptops and workstations should be secured with a password protected screensaver with the automatic activation feature set at 10 minutes or less or by logging off when the host will be unattended. 4.Use encryption of information in compliance with acceptable encryption n use policy 5.Postings by employees from a Richman investments email address to new groups should contain a disclaimer stating that the opinions expressed are strictly their own and not necessarily those of Richman investments unless posting is in the course of business duties. 6.All host used by the employee that are connected to the Richman investments , Internet/Intranet/Extranet, whether owned by the employee or Richman investments shall be continually executing approved virus scanning software with a current virus database unless overridden by departmental or group policy. 7.Employees must use extreme caution when opening email attachments received from unknown senders which may contain viruses, email bombs, or Trojan horse code. Unacceptable use The following activities are in general prohibited. Employees may be exempted from these restrictions during the course of their legitimate job responsibilities system administration staff may have a need to disable the network access of a host if that host is disrupting production services. Under no circumstances is an employee of Richman investments authorized to  engage in any activity that is illegal under local, state, federal or international law while utilizing Richman investments owned resources. Email and communications activities 1.Sending unsolicited email messages including the sending of junk mail or other advertising material to individuals who did not specifically request such material email spam. 2.Any form of harassment via email, telephone or paging whether through language, frequency or size messages. 3.Unauthorized use or forging of email header information. 4.Solicitation of email for any other email address other than that of the poster’s account with the intent to harass or collect replies. Enforcement  Any employee found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The New Right Essay Example for Free

The New Right Essay The New Right, as it is called, has had a phenomenal impact in Britain and the United States since 1979. Both its successes and failures have led to an intense ongoing debate, especially within the British Conservative Party, as to what extent the New Right represents a departure or continuance of, what some perceive as, traditional Conservatism. The long and rich past of the Party has made the citation of a particular period of its history, as being either a source or illustration of traditional Conservatism, very difficult indeed. Nonetheless, certain tenants transcend the breadth of its history to form the criteria by which the New Right can be judged. Conservatism is, first and foremost, composed of many conflicting strands of thought. It does not stand as a monolithic ideology offering an unalterable set of prescriptions which configure to some preconceived, and as yet, unrealised ideal of society. It is not surprising then that there are many conservatives who would deny the attribution of ideology to their beliefs.1 British Conservatism is, therefore, more accurately, characterised by the prevailing strand or grouping at any given time. This displays a fundamental point, namely that Conservatism avoids being ideological because it is, by nature, not. By contrast, one of the most striking aspects of the New Right is its strong ideological fervour. Margaret Thatcher and her mentors, like Sir Keith Joseph, were fired up by the battle they believed they were waging against the damaging post-war consensus and the pernicious ideology of socialism. Unlike previous incarnations of Conservatism, Thatcherism (which is the British New Right) relied heavily on actual thinkers and academics rather than the traditional sort of ancestral wisdom which was personified by Harold Macmillan: who had once said distrust the clever man. In light of this, it is of little surprise then that John Stuart Mill referred to the Tories as the stupid party.2 Although having borrowed from Adam Smith in the early nineteenth century the Conservatives by no means had a Karl Marx. Thatcher felt that this traditional absence of a strong ideology was a disadvantage. She is reported to have said after her election as Party leader in 1975 that: We must have an ideology. The other side have got an ideology that they can test their policies against. We must have one as well. This is where Friedrich A. Hayek, Milton Friedman and the Centre for Policy Studies came in. The Conservative Party had not witnessed this degree of ideological zeal before and it represents something of a departure. It also worked exclusively thereby distancing itself, maybe misleadingly, to what had gone before. Thatcherites saw each MP as either wet (meaning a paternalistic Conservative) or as a dry (an ideologue). The wet Ian Gilmour (dismissed from the Cabinet in 1981) entitled his assault on Thatcherism Dancing with Dogma. It has passed into Thatcher legend how being one of us was the only way to gain favour. The importance of this term is reflected in how it was used as the title of Hugo Youngs acclaimed biography of Margaret Thatcher. This ideologicalism is a departure but it does not represent a complete break with the past. Most Conservatives today, who speak of traditional Conservatism, refer to a paternalistic aspect which reached its zenith in the period after the Second World War up until about Edward Heath. It is usually identified by language which stems from Disraeli and his references to One Nation from his novel Sybil in 1845. It is highly debatable as to whether this is indeed the most traditional form of Conservatism because it did, after all, contain some facets which differed from the eras of Edmund Burke and Robert Peel. Indeed, some of the differences within Conservatism are reflected in the tremendous difference between these two giants of Toryism or Conservatism alone. This complexity is not surprising considering the Partys long history which has seen Conservatives adapt and respond to changing circumstances in order to meet the needs of the Nation and Party. What the two figures above illustrate is a form of Conservatism which reflected the needs of the period within which it had to exist and survive. It also allows for the fair conclusion that traditional Conservatism emerged, in frail form, under Peel in the mid-nineteenth century to embrace its belief in measured and progressive change with a sense of compassion. Although this overview implies differences with the New Right there are also similarities. The New Right fits in with the Conservative tradition of rising to the needs of Nation and Party and is an example of typical Conservative adaptability. It is, after all, the worlds oldest and most successful political party. Peel dramatically refashioned the Tory Party by moving it in a new direction, despite hostile opposition, to expand its base of support and to deal with the land-owning elitism of politics. A tradition continued to a different extent by Disraeli. Much the same could be said for Thatcherism, which pressed unreservedly for the end of the broadly accepted status-quo. Keynesianism (which was already being gently questioned under Jim Callaghan) and corporatism were held responsible for British decline and she aimed to obliterate them. Again, it ushered the Party further in a new direction away from its previous acceptance of such arrangements and the general consensus which had surrounded the essential matters of politics since the War. The Party examined itself and the national condition, remodelling itself accordingly. This is a very distinctive Conservative tradition. The New Right did, however, abandon any notions of paternalism and instead emphasised the importance of economics in emancipating the individual. Economics was above politics. This brought the New Right into conflict with the One Nationists who felt, like P. Norton and A. Aughey in 1981, that the disposition towards economic policy may entail the disseveration of the concept of One Nation.3 The emphasis on free markets, deregulation and an non-interfering state has a strong tradition in Conservatism which stretches back to the publication of Adam Smiths The Wealth of Nations. It was, however, a departure from post-war Conservatism. There had always been mixed and opposing views within Conservatism on the merits of capitalism. Lord Hailsham had criticised capitalism as an ungodly and rapacious scramble for ill-gotten gains whereas Burke before him regarded the laws of commerce as being the laws of nature, and consequently the laws of God.4 In this respect the New Right had roots within the longer history of Conservatism. The ferocity with which it economic policies were pursued, in the face of stiff opposition, represented something of a departure in the broad consensus of post-war Britain. It was really a return to the traditional policies pursued by Conservatives before 1940 rather than a revolutionary new approach. This also illustrates how difficult it is to define traditional Conservatism. It is misleading however to consider this conversion or reversion as something which began suddenly with Thatcher. The New Right had come to exist after a period of gradual change and modification to Conservatism which began under Edward Heath. The 1979 Party manifesto contained many similarities with one of 1970. Admittedly, this does not account for what came after, in subsequent General Elections. The Selsdon mentality bore parallels with the New Right in moving towards a radical, technocratic questioning of institutions, customs and ideas.5 Heath had shown the same propensity to dispense with the past where necessary when he said: we are going to build on the past but we are not going to be strangled by it5 The New Right aroused tension in the party because, unlike Heath, it saw itself as ideological and was wholly unwilling to compromise. Yet, t is crucial to mention, in this context, that compromise had never really been a feature of traditional Conservatism. It only came to be regarded so in the consensus of post-war Britain. The New Right represented a visible continuation in continually pertaining, mainly in rhetoric, to various nebulous concepts in which all Conservatives take refuge: Nation, Church, Monarchy, Family, Authority, the Rule of Law, Order, Hierarchy, Deference, Community and so forth.6 The New Right held to virtually all of these in its rhetoric. This is advantageous because each of these concepts, as all Conservatives know well, unites each of them as well as being able to transcend class in their appeal. The New Right was hugely populist and classless, keeping to a later Conservative tradition as the franchise was extended in the last century. Some, but not all, traditional Conservatives feel, however, that the New Right has undermined Conservative values due to its own inherent contradictions. A few examples are the conflict between meritocracy and monarchy or community and individualism. The New Right chose to be opposed to constitutional reform (unlike almost every other leader since Peel) while fundamentally altering institutions such as the Civil Service and Local Government. Maybe it is the undermining of traditional Conservative concepts that lays the New Right open to the accusation that it un-Conservative. It could be retorted that it is a belief in certain traditional Conservative values which has bred the contradictions and anomalies in Thatcherism by splitting the New Right between Traditionalists or Authoritarians and the Libertarians. The former wish to maintain traditional Conservative values while also pursuing a New Right agenda. Arguably it is the latter, represented by MPs like Alan Duncan, which are the departure from traditional or any other form of Conservatism. Thatcher represented the dominant Traditionalist grouping which Alan Clarke has stated is really Gladstonian Liberalism. In his view Thatcher was not really a Conservative. Heath is of the same opinion. In 1985 Heath wrote: I dont believe that what we have now is true Conservatism. Its 1860 Laissez-Faire Liberalism.7 Yes, Thatcherism does have many similarities, in domestic terms, to the Liberalism of the past century. What is negated in this argument is that Gladstone had been a Peelite and was once regarded as a future Conservative leader. So, if Thatcherism is neo-liberalism it does not necessarily mean it is not traditional Conservatism. Her domestic view was indeed Gladstonian but her foreign policy view was, to muddy the issue further, closer to Disraeli and that of Winston Churchill (a former Liberal). The foreign policy of Thatcher (excluding Europe because it defies categorisation) was very Conservative indeed, and the Falklands is considered its proudest achivevement. The New Right has been found not to be a departure in all key aspects so it must therefore be concluded that it represents a continuation it is not separate from traditional Conservatism. There are too many threads within it which relate to Conservative history and values for it to be considered a break with what had gone before. It did not or does not seem a blatant continuation because, as time wore on, it increasingly sought to exclude or sideline those who held reservations about the New Right project (the One Nationists). The New Right thrived on confrontation by constantly defining itself by what it was against. Its abandonment of consensus meant it departed from post-war Conservatism but not from traditional Conservatism per se. Sir Robert Peel, back in 1846, had split the entire party due to his refusal to compromise over protectionism for the land-owning classes. By contrast, the Party managed to hold together under the leadership of Thatcher for ten years and even went on to win a further Election in 1992. A simple majority of MPs had supported Thatcher in the internal ballot of 1989. There must have been common ground under the New Right for all this to have been achieved. The New Right saw themselves as an ascendant strand of traditional Conservatism and did not regard themselves as a complete departure. Between lasting values and changing circumstances there must be a constant dialogue Thatcher had said in 1977. It was or is its uncharacteristic ideologicalism which obfuscates the issue of continuity making it seem like a departure. It refused compromise and objected to any tempering of what it thought the best way to proceed. The New Right was not really new because it related to many aspects of Conservatism which had gone before: the New Right is in fact a renewed Right. It prized freedom, was thrift, classless, populist, nationalistic or patriotic and authoritarian to name but a few. Neither its contradictions or an erroneous view of traditional conservatism should allow it to be labelled a wholesale departure from traditional Conservatism, it is not.